How to Create a Lead Nurturing Strategy


Lead nurturing is a strategy that moves leads through the buyer’s journey. It’s an effective way of converting them into customers. Marketers launch nurture campaigns because at least half the leads are not yet ready to buy. Regardless of how you got the lead—through an opt-in form, in-person, or lead magnet, it doesn’t mean they will purchase right away from you. It means they’re interested, but they’re looking for more information. 

Instead of giving your sales pitch right off the bat, a lead nurturing campaign magnifies the chances of closing a deal and cultivating a relationship with your leads. It’s a subtle approach to enticing them to your brand. There are a few things to consider when creating your lead nurture campaign. Here are the most important ones:

1. Research about your audience

One of the most important parts of lead nurturing is understanding your audience. Their interests, pain points, sites they go to, and more. Creating a user persona would help you define your ideal customer profile and put everything together using a fictitious character. This way, you can share it with your teammates or new hires; so everyone’s on the same page about who your target audience is. 

Later on, you’ll use the data to come up with a lead nurturing matrix. Brainstorm topics nestling the problems and solutions your persona is experiencing.

2. Track the consumer journey

A consumer journey is a visual representation of your consumer’s experiences when interacting with your brand. It provides insights on; how they found out about your brand, their first interaction with you, other channels they’ve gone through, and the last touch point that converted them into a customer. But it doesn’t stop there, as marketers still map out the consumer’s path even after becoming a customer. They use journey mapping to increase customer lifetime value and optimize their efforts. 

Journey mapping will be your best friend. It gives you an idea of which campaigns are working for your team. In this case, you know how to develop an effective lead nurture strategy.

We recently developed different customer journey map templates you can use to get started. Download them now and get started on mapping your customer journeys strategically.

3. Keep your database up-to-date

Many marketers lose sight of their contact database. Aside from its mundane and dull nature of manually updating contacts, it’s time-consuming. But keeping your database fresh and constantly enriching it is part of the process. You don’t want to be sending out emails to the wrong people or incorrect email addresses. 

According to ZoomInfo, 62% of organizations rely on marketing and prospect data that’s up to 40% inaccurate. Marketers who target incorrect data suffer from a bad email reputation. It can lead to poor deliverability, and emails end up in spam folders. Keeping your data clean will avoid high bounce rates, spam reports, and low open rates.

Map out your journeys the right way.

Download the templates and start mapping out your Customer Journeys.

4. Score each lead

Not all leads are the same. Their level of interest varies, therefore, scoring them based on their interaction enlightens which leads are hot and warm. Hot leads are perfect for taking immediate action. They are the ones who would most likely jump on a call with a sales rep. Higher chances are they’re a sales-qualified lead and rigged to purchase from you.

Lead scoring identifies types of leads. You want to weed out unqualified leads from the pipeline and use segmentation to personalize their experience.

5. Use marketing automation

Nurturing leads takes time, and maintaining your pacing is nearly impossible if you had to keep tabs on different channels every time. Marketing automation ousts repetitive tasks. All you have to do is simply create a workflow that automates your drip campaign, ads, retargeting, outbound calls, and one-to-one emails. As a result, you warm up your leads without laying a finger on your campaigns every day. You just have to sit back and relax until an alert comes in that there’s a hot lead well qualified for a sales call. 

What now?

Start creating your lead nurturing matrix today. Keep in mind, it’s about understanding your audience, the topics that reflect their interests, and their journey. Content that gives value and placing it right in front of them on different channels would make your lead nurturing successful. 

Accelerate offers B2B lead generation services that capture leads on behalf of companies. We nurture prospects through a multi-touchpoint strategy and move them along the sales pipeline. Try a free 30-day trial today.

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